I wanted to mention a resource that I think is a basic essential to those who want to draw closer to the Lord. Obviously.. the Bible is the most important book we can immerse ourself into. However, that said.. I think there are some amazing books that have been written through the years which stand alone for time immemorial.
One such book is called.. "The Practice of the Presence of God" by Brother Lawrence. http://www.amazon.com/Practice-Presence-God-Brother-Lawrence/dp/0800785991
You can find the text written here : http://housechurch.org/spirituality/brother_lawrence.html
This book is significant to me because in a person's search for intimacy with God there has to be a keen awareness of HIM. There must be a true acknowledgement that we are acutely aware of His closeness in every situation and every circumstance of our life...every second of our day, every breath we take. It is that real.
The key here is that when you recognize this.. life is NEVER the same. Just as life is never the same when you have received the new birth.. the gift of salvation and God's grace in your life, so also will you change as you step closer to him in the realization that He is in as much as you let him and always in the middle of everything. Think about it.
This is where there was a clear awakening in my own spirit to not miss one moment with him. There are times when I choose to ignore Him and in doing that I have missed the blessing. That is grievous to me when I realize how that must have hurt Him, but in His amazing grace and mercy He allows me to come to Him, even after I have chosen something over time with Him.
When you begin to "Practice His Presence" your eyes are opened to the enormity of life with God rather than a life that merely acknowledges Him. It causes your prayer time to be a time of power and growth. When you practice being in his presence continually you come to recognize His sweet voice and it is almost overwhelming. The God of Creation, Father of Glory, El Elyon is speaking to you.. However, it is nothing new.. He has been doing it all along the difference is the place where you heart is and the attention you have been giving to hearing, seeking and knowing Him.
There is an article I found where another believer shares about their journey in Practicing the Presence of God. http://net-burst.net/pray/practice_presence_god.htm
I just want to encourage you to open your heart and open your eyes and ears to what He has for you today. Prepare the way for Him and make straight paths that He may come in and do a new work in your heart and make you the vessel He destined you to be !
( Mark 1:3, Matthew 3:3, Luke 3:4 and Isaiah 40:3)
Be blessed!
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