Hebrews 4:16

Let us then come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

Friday, June 11, 2010

What Summer Break Means to Me

It's that time of year again! Are you thinking " Summer Break! Time to relax, enjoy the beauty of living in the Midwest, read a good book, have fun with the kids, etc."

Yes, it is. :) And a hint, these Spring, Summer and Fall tend to make up for some of those crazy Midwest winters. I wish I could take a picture of the beauty I see when I look out my window. My favorite time is right away in the morning when everyone is quiet, I am all alone and I can sit and enjoy what I see. I can sit and bask in the presence of my awesome Saviour and enjoy the gift of just being alive. I think He gives us those little moments to carry us through the rest of our day. The times of chaotic rumbling which seems to define life for me. Do I ponder the chaos or grow in it? Hopefully, I can grow through and train my children well, but such is the mode right now...growing children, gardens and bees ( and sometimes laundry!) :)

So as I ponder the beauty of creation, consequently how can one ever deny the amazing gift of the Creator when looking upon the demonstration of a sunrise and the massive power of a thunderstorm, the serene beauty in a gentle wind and the tenderness of a timid rain shower.

Genesis 1:1 says " In the Beginning God created the heavens and the earth"

The Bible shows us the awesome power of the creator in a myriad of ways which disproves theories which try to lay claim to an explanation for all we see.

John 1:3 tells us that " Through him all things were made;without him nothing was made that has been made."

As I relax in this time of resting, though that is a term I would never apply to my summer schedule, it is a time of pondering, a time of considering, a time of reflecting and a time of renewed hope.

Hope is a loaded word. I find when my hope is placed in things that are not of God or in plans that are not initiated by His hand, in my life, then my hope becomes deferred.
Proverbs 13:12 tells us that " Hope deferred makes a heart grow sick but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life." Hmm.. think on that for a minute.

Deferred hope detours us from our destined path and reroutes our life towards a time of sickness, loss and perhaps death. Death of dreams, death of desired outcomes, death of desires which were well-springs of life. Yet, when we set our hope on the one who makes our bitter experiences sweet, there is a depth of peace and resilience which can not be deferred, deterred or rerouted.

So many times I have found my own thoughts wandering and allowing my feelings to overtake the truth of His plan, His purpose and the future He has set for me. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that the plans He has for us are to prosper us and not to harm us, to give us hope and a future. Where in that scripture do we find deferred dreams, detoured highways or rerouted plans?

Does the Lord change our plans, yes.. perhaps "Our Plans" but He does not change and I find a great peace in knowing that He is always good. That there is hope in who He is and there is a profound joy in His presence.

I have known those moments of peace that passes all understanding which gives me a solid foundation to stand on in moments of trial and pressure in the storm. I have been so thankful for the intimate way He will reach down and fill my heart with a hope that is immeasurable knowing that He will work out all things for good to those who love him.( Romans 8:28) I have been reminded of Psalm 103 and how He has redeemed my life from destruction and removed my transgressions, covered me with loving-kindness and tender mercies and given me good things so that my youth is renewed as the eagle's.

Psalm 91 reminds us that we are to hide under the shadow of His wings that no evil would befall us nor calamity come near to our dwelling.

Hiding His precious promises is a hope found in Psalm 119:11 which reminds us of the power of His word, which keeps us from evil.

Back to my summer plans:

I am not someone who enjoys just "sitting". :) I like resting, but I am always thinking. Sometimes the Lord has to sincerely get a hold of me and remind me that He is the author and finisher. :) However, my summer is one of planning.

I love to plan.. I am learning to implement those plans. And learning to be ok with "imperfection" in my plan ( aka...me and my abilities.. but that is an entirely different post for a different day.)

I find though that my plan isn't always doable. Meaning.. I tend to overfill my schedule, my planner, my to-do list as if I was wonder woman and then ponder why I can get it completed. It is times like this I have learned that God has a sense of humor.
Psalm 127:1 reminds us that "Unless the Lord builds the house, they who labor.... labor in vain."

As we enter our 10th year of homeschooling there is so much to "unlearn" and so much to ponder. What have we done right? What can we change? What should we do?

This is how I spend my summer! Seeking His will and planning for our school year. Looking to His heart and asking Him to give me a vision. A vision I can write down and follow. I tend to rebel against a schedule, though I know how helpful one can be.... :) so I have to be careful when I plan that I allow myself room to be spontaneous and fly by the seat of my pants. I seem to be at my very best in that scenario.

side thought... I often wonder after those valuable teaching moments if they are less the poignancy of spontaneity and more the leaning not on my own understanding...the guiding of my path by One who is supreme knowledge and wisdom.... :)

Proverbs 29:18 tells us w/o a vision the people perish and Habakkuk 2:2 tells us to write it down plainly. I will continue this thread in another post about planning and what I have learned. But I must close now.. I have kiddos who are needing their momma, a garden who is needing its caretaker and laundry that is needing to be hung on the line.!

I wanted to leave a little gem with you. I found this company ( a different name then) when I began homeschooling. I still have their catalogs because of the profound wisdom within the pages. They are not homeschooling their children any longer, because they are all grown.. they completed the circle! :) But they still have a wonderful outreach to homeschool families and wisdom that has not expired. http://www.homeschoolmarketplace.com/

Blessings on your day!

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